My Code

More coming soon!


As a computer engineering major at Montgomery College and UMD, I worked with C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Pascal, Verilog, and assembly code. More recently, I have been focused on developing tools with Python and Powershell scripts, but also spend time during CTF’s reverse engineering C and assembly in Ghidra and EDB. I am experienced enough to understand most of what I see in the wild and efficiently cobble together programs through expert adoption of open-source repositories.

In Progress

Name: EZVulnFinder
Language: Python
Function: Port scanner that automatically runs discovered services through vulnerability databases and returns suggestions for potential attack vectors.

FlagDumper - Python

#!/user/bin/env python3
## Checks for low-hanging fruit for network forensics challenges in CTF's!
## Automatically searches for the ascii and hex representation of "flag"
## Additionally searches for ascii and hex representation of strings given by user

import os
import binascii

# variable declaration
file_or_dir = ""
special = ""
special_exists = ""
checks = ["flag"]  ## keywords to search for

## initial prompts
while (special_exists != "y") and (special_exists != "n"):
    special_exists = input(
        "Would you like to enter a flag precursor other than \"flag\" (ex: THM{, HTB{, etc.)? (y/n):")

if (special_exists == "y"):
    special = input("Please enter flag precursor:")

while (file_or_dir != "single") and (file_or_dir != "directory"):
    file_or_dir = input("Analyzing a single capture, or directory of captures? (single/directory):")

def analyze_capture(location):
    for x in checks:
        x_enc = binascii.hexlify(x.encode()).decode("utf-8")
        cmd = 'tshark -r ' + location + ' -Y "frame contains \\"' + x + '\\"" -T fields -e data | xxd -r -p'  # Check for ascii representation
        cmd_enc = 'tshark -r ' + location + ' -Y "frame contains \\"' + x_enc + '\\"" -T fields -e data | xxd -r -p | xxd -r -p'  # Check for Hex representation

if (file_or_dir == "single"):
    location = input("Please Enter Capture Location:\n")
    location = input("Please Enter Directory:\n")
    for filename in os.listdir(location):
        print(filename + ": ")
        analyze_capture((location + filename))

Connection Detector - Powershell

I designed this for CCDC to establish a baseline of network connections, then display any new connections that weren’t there when we started.

#Create baseline
netstat -ano |Out-File -FilePath .\baseline.txt
Copy-Item ".\baseline.txt" -Destination ".\current.txt"
#Check Connections
$trip = 0
$a = netstat -ano 
$a[6..$a.count] | ConvertFrom-String | select p4 |Out-File -FilePath .\temp.txt
gc .\temp.txt | sort | get-unique > .\temp1.txt
$regexIPAddress = '\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b.'
echo "******************************** BRAND NEW CONNECTIONS ********************************"
foreach($line in Get-Content .\temp1.txt) {
		if($line -match $regexIPAddress){
			if($line -ne ""){
				if($line -like "*4444*"){
				if($trip -eq 1){
					[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Malicious connection suspected!')
				$SEL = Select-String -Path .\current.txt -Pattern $line

				if ($SEL -eq $null)
					echo $line
echo "******************************** OTHER NEW CONNECTIONS ********************************"
foreach($line in Get-Content .\current.txt) {
		if($line -match $regexIPAddress){
			if($line -ne ""){
				$SEL = Select-String -Path .\baseline1.txt -Pattern $line

				if ($SEL -eq $null)
					echo $line
Copy-Item ".\temp1.txt" -Destination ".\current.txt"